Kaziikini Campsite
Kaziikini Campsite 2 ensuite tents on raised decks. Each tent has two three quarter beds, ensuite shower and toilet.
We offer clean, well maintained campsites with water standpipes, braai stands, trash bins and solar lights.The campsites have three blocks of ablusions shared by campsites, each block has two toilets and two showers which are made to accommodate the handicapped.
The ablusions use solar power to heat water and provide lighting for both the ablutions and the restaurant.
The water for the campsites is pumped from a sealed borehole by solar power and is safe to drink direct from the tap.
There is a bar and a restaurant which provides full catering to those guests who are not self catering. Home made bread and snacks can be ordered from the restaurant.
The most famous of all the craft products of Botswana is the basket. As an intergral part of the Botswana culture, baskets have been made and used traditionally for thousands of years.
The main raw material utilized to produce Botswana baskets is the fibre of the "vegetable ivory" palm tree (Hyphaene petersiana ), called Mokola in Botswana.
Traditionally baskets have had many uses - storing grain, seeds, and sometimes sorghum beer.
Large, open bowl shaped baskets are used by the women for carrying items on their heads and for sifting grain after it has been threshed. Smaller, plate shaped baskets are used for sifting grain after it has been pounded.
Our Curio Shop sells baskets and accessories, culturally made by Sankoyo community.
The baskets of Botswana are equal to the finest of art forms found in the world.